An important article by Uriel Heilman. An Uphill struggle: Israel's U.N. Quagmire. Bloc voting cobbles together the 56 votes of the Arab and Muslim states. Members of the Non-Aligned Movement usually vote with the Arab/Muslim states -- as does the E.U. Israel - 1 vote.Excerpt from Israel's U.N. Quagmire
"A lot of what goes on at the U.N. is about evening the score between the developing world and the developed world, and that puts Israel in a very difficult spot." -- Jeff Helmreich, an expert on international law and a former staffer at Israel's U.N. mission
The United Nations does not reflect the reality of what's going on in the world today because there is no political will to call attention to that reality. Sudan, Myanmar, and North Korea usually escape condemnation simply because not enough members are interested in confronting powerful blocs over massacres, conflicts, and human-rights violations.